Discord: QoL addons

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Good news, everyone!

I've made, found and  Kal included a few addons to our list, some of which I am hoping you'll enjoy. This post will also be going into ⁠resources for the sake of future-proof, but here is a quick overview of their features.

• Freedom Roll Utilities

  ‣ Personal Roll - /pr | /personal | /personalroll - Follows the same roll arguments as a vanilla roll, but the message is displayed only to you. For the purposes of logging, it will be located in the System's channel. It must not be used for any items or effects that require a secondary roll, the DM must know what your results were. You have been warned.

  ‣ Pick Targets - /pt | /picktar | /picktargets x - Where "x" is the amount of targets you want to pick. It will also shoot a private message to you indicating which targets you have chosen. It will never pick the Raid Leader, or the person shooting the message.

• Freedom Macro Utilities

  ‣ Castable Macros - /cm | /castm | /castmacro MacroName - As the name implies, it allows macros to be fired with a simple command. A bonus feature is that it also permits daisy-chaining of macros, and it also works with /in. A worthy note is that I have not made any form of loop protection, which means that if you daisy-chain a macro to itself, the only option may be to relog. You have been warned.

  ‣ Toggle Aura - /toga | /toggle | /toggleaura AuraID - It turns on an aura, then turns it off when you fire the command again. IN THAT ORDER. ALWAYS. I have not gotten a good workaround to this inelegant code yet, so if you crash or DC and an aura is still on you, it will reapply the aura first before taking it off.

  ‣ Toggle NPC Aura - /togn | /togglenpc | /togglenpcaura AuraID - Exact same code as before, but for NPCs.

And other addons that are not mine (but I messed with the code anyway):

‣Storyteller - /story | /storyteller - What a coincidence, huh? It provides a big screen that auto-break lines, and another to read them at a button's click. You can go back, go forward, it's a nifty tool which I'm sure y'all will figure out good uses for.

‣Chat Distance Clarity - Interface -> Addons -> Darken Chat Messages - It makes chat messages darker when the sender is far away from you. It's easily configured for distances and message types. It greatly helped me participate in events, I am not so sure it would help DM them.

‣Listener - /listener - Some of you may know this one already, and were sad to hear it crashed the client. Well, I found out which options made it crash, defaulted them to false and made them invisible. It should be safe for play.

‣AutoAcceptinvite - Interface -> Addons -> Auto-Accept Invites - As the name suggests, it automatically accepts any group invites sent your way. Very handy to just be able to whisper the DM. I adapted it so it works with ANY invite, and you can whitelist/blacklist people.

‣HidingBar - Interface -> Addons -> Hiding Bar | /hidingbar - I didn't do anything to this one, but it groups every minimap button into a neat-looking, customizable bar, and lets you hide ones you don't use.

They're located in the Addon section of the Launcher!

Credit for finding/fixing/making the addons go to Bham!